Vicente Leilões Vicente Leilões

BEAZLEY, C. Raymond. - PRINCE HENRY THE NAVIGATOR. The hero of Portugal and of modern discovery. 1394-1460 A. D. With an account of geographical progress through-out the Middle Ages as the preparation for his work.

Lote 330


BEAZLEY, C. Raymond. - PRINCE HENRY THE NAVIGATOR. The hero of Portugal and of modern discovery. 1394-1460 A. D. With an account of geographical progress through-out the Middle Ages as the preparation for his work. New York-London. 1895. In-8º de XXVII, 336 págs. Enc.

Inserida na coleção “Heroes of the Nations”. Ilustrado com gravuras e mapas extra-texto, alguns em folha desdobrável. Encadernação editorial em tela. Bem conservado.

Lote 330 de 465

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